Audio:QS120701.AIF C-box:This car-sized dinosaur balanced itself on its stiff tail as it attacked larger dinosaurs with its razor-like claws. HiliteStopLoc:21,36; 92,36; 164,36; 235,36; 307,36; 378,36; 21,89; 378,89; 21,143; 378,143; 21,196; 378,196; 21,250; 378,250; 21,303; 92,303; 164,303; 235,303; 307,303; 378,303 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Deinonychus*QS120702.AIF* Wrong 1:Triceratops Wrong 2:Tyrannosaurus Wrong 3:Velociraptor Wrong 4:Allosaurus Wrong 5:Carnotaurus Wrong 6:Spinosaurus Wrong 7:Gallimimus Wrong 8:Compsognathus GeoByte1:These agile killers may have patrolled in packs, ganging up to attack larger animals. GeoByte2:This ferocious predator used its 5-inch (13-cm) sickle-like claws to rip apart its prey. GeoByte3:Remains of this 6-foot-tall (1.8-m), 9-foot-long (2.8-m) streamlined killer were found in Montana in the 1960s. GeoByte4:Of all the dinosaurs, Deinonychus was the perfect killer—fast, intelligent, and equipped with the weapons to kill most prey. GeoByte5:Deinonychus probably attacked its prey with its hooked feet and arms and then slashed the animal's belly with the swiveling hooks on its second toes. GeoByte6:The name ^Deinonychus^ means "terrible claw." GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:["SQ120110.PIC", "SQ120210.PIC", "SQ120310.PIC", "SQ120410.PIC", "SQ120510.PIC", "SQ120610.PIC", "SQ120710.PIC", "SQ120810.PIC", "SQ120910.PIC", "SQ121010.PIC", "SQ121110.PIC", "SQ121210.PIC", "SQ121310.PIC", "SQ121410.PIC", "SQ121510.PIC", "SQ121610.PIC", "SQ121710.PIC", "SQ121810.PIC", "SQ121910.PIC", "SQ122010.PIC"]* VideoReward:SP120750.MOV Palette:#default QuestionMovie: EndVideo: HiliteStop:6 Glossary Start Glossary End